Real World Projects
what can we do for you?

Healthcare Consultancy
Optishield Medical (Device development and market launch)

Clinical Systems Reviews & Integration of Clinical Systems
Cardiobase (Systems design and integration)

Project Management
RHS (Project Management)

Specialist Medical Procurement Advisory service
Streamline Nutrition (New entrant Access to healthcare markets)
Key features include:
Advice and guidance on infrastructure and technology requirements.
Technical and infrastructure appraisals, options and business case development.
Engagement with key stakeholders including IT users and technology suppliers.
Research into and evaluation of new and innovative solutions.
Case Studies
Health Informatics Technology Consultancy
DHC Innovations are experienced healthcare professionals with a broad range of clinical and operational management skills, particularly in the acute sector. Our focused, enthusiastic, and energetic team offer a wealth of experience in healthcare related commercial markets, specifically IT solutions and delivery of transformation programs.
With an extensive knowledge of the NHS at all levels, we have an excellent reputation and proven ability in the understanding of trends and difficult issues related to service delivery. Through initiatives such as understanding, analysing, and articulating requirements, we can realise the potential benefits and demonstrate the art of the possible.
Business and clinical transformation programmes often require changes to existing IT infrastructure and/or supporting technology – including the integration of innovative new technology – in order to ensure organisations are fully in line with the evolving NHS digital strategy. DHC Innovations provides specialist advice on all aspects of healthcare technology in order to best support the strategic and day-to-day business and clinical requirements of those we work with.
Case Studies
Clinical Systems Reviews & Integration of Clinical Systems
DHC Innovations offer a consultancy service on healthcare IT installations, ensuring that systems are compatible with healthcare standards and that industry solutions are secure. This involves working closely with IT network suppliers including CISCO, HL7, Dicom SSL encryption, and wireless networking security protocols.
With their in-depth understanding of healthcare informatics and practical experience in the integration of Medical Devices, Networks, and Communication Technologies, they have been able to develop and facilitate strong and effective communications between clients and suppliers.
The DHC Innovations team have extensive experience in providing support to project managers and senior managers within NHS Trusts to enable integration of clinical systems with EPR and information systems. This has been undertaken as a specialist advisory role to the suppliers of systems to the project, for Medical Monitoring and Imaging systems, including integration into IT networks EPR and PACS.
The following results have been achieved according to their clients' needs:
Integration of Cardiology Information System with GP Practice Information Systems.
Integration of diagnostic systems to centralised diagnostics data warehouse.
Integration of multi-vendor medical device and imaging systems
Procurement and installation of Cardiology Information and PACS system, and Digital network EEG system.
Healthcare Prince II project management.
Aspects of long-range planning, strategy development for medical equipment and integration with IT systems.
The Procurement Opportunity Assessment provided the Trust with a number of key deliverables to meet their objectives of delivering cost savings and efficiencies whilst meeting Department of Health and Carter challenges on procurement:
- Spend analytics providing complete transparency of non-pay spend in terms of spend, categories, suppliers, and purchasing responsibilities
- Savings opportunities identified and prioritised
- A sourcing strategy for each savings initiative
- Prioritised sourcing work plan to deliver the savings
- Assessment of procurement function capability against NHS Standards of Procurement
Case Studies
Community Healthcare Trust
Our collaboration with —– which provides a wide range of tertiary specialised rehabilitation services, including a wheelchair services and inpatient brain injury hospitals, to a population across the west Midlands and into Wales.
DHC Innovations worked with the finance team and operational managers in developing spend analysis on non-pay expenditure, identifying targets for savings, and producing a prioritised work plan for savings delivery
The scope covered all non-pay expenditures at the Trust including clinical, non-clinical, estates, and IT.
The approach considers both a qualitative and quantitative assessment.
All Trust transaction data extracted, cleansed, and categorised using NHS eClass
Interviews with procurement team and stakeholders to assess the context of expenditure and the savings opportunity.
Case Studies
Operational Management
With 38 years of experience in NHS management, procurement, and application of clinical systems, we offer a range of consultancy and project management solutions. Business & Performance management of a regional tertiary specialist service. Day-to-day operational management of the clinical medical specialties. Active management of RTT for a Medical Specialties Cardiology, Respiratory, Dermatology and the Centre Diagnostic Services, Cardiology and Respiratory
NHS organisations:
Management roles provided by the DHC Innovations team include:
NHS Management
General Manager Business & Performance management of the regional tertiary specialist rehabilitation service, including business planning and performance management across the Specialist Rehabilitation Service. In Patient Services, Prosthetics and Orthotics, Specialist Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy supports to Brain Injury and Amputee client groups. Lead in the planning and direct operational management of the specialist equipment service business units. Posture & Mobility, Access to Communications and Environmental Controls, Wheelchair Services.
Private Healthcare Management
Clinical Services Manager day to day operational management of the clinical specialty Integrated Practice Units of Medical, Surgical and Day Case Surgery specialties in an Independent Treatment Centre, Delivery of Cancer Two Week Wait targets for Dermatology. Responsible for active management of RTT for a Medical Specialties Cardiology, Respiratory, Dermatology and the Centre Diagnostic Services, Cardiology and Respiratory.
Project Management
PFI Project Program Manager Responsible for procurement and co-ordination of installation and implementation of medical equipment including Integration of clinical systems with EPR and information systems. Advisory role to the suppliers of systems to the project integration with IT systems including long-range planning, strategy, providing support to other project managers and general managers within the Trust
Specialist Medical Procurement Advisory service
DHC Innovations in-depth understanding of public sector procurement has been developed through experience in the health sector and through providing bidding advice to private and third sector organisations competing for public sector tenders.
In a PFI Project Program Manager capacity, the team have provided senior procurement advisory roles within NHS Foundation Trusts on procurement strategy, EPR, integration of clinical systems procurement, delivering effective and compliant procurement solutions according to complex customer requirements.
Key features include:
Requirements gathering and readiness assessments.
Analysis (business and clinical environment).
Option appraisals.
Resource monitoring and management.
Engagement with stakeholders - clinicians, service leads, and providers.
Case Studies
Project and Programme Management
Prince II and Lean project management methodology used for:
- Co-ordination of complex moves in acute care settings.
- Procurement and co-ordination of installation of medical devices.
- Integration of clinical systems with EPR and information systems.
DHC Innovations offers a comprehensive project and programme management service to drive business change and the fulfilment of organisational strategy. Best practice methodologies including PRINCE2 and LEAN are used to measure and report on performance against key objectives and business outcomes.
We work closely with our partners and customers to analyse the key drivers behind each project or programme, to ensure the intended benefits and outcomes are effectively achieved.
Case Studies
System integration
The main focus of our system integration work is to help healthcare organisations update their legacy Electronic Patient Record (EPR) systems. However, we also provide support, developing solutions when multiple systems are causing complexity or operational difficulties. In both cases, the support we provide can add value to an organisation by enhancing performance and productivity levels.
DHC Innovations works with our partners and customers to develop system integration interfaces for core business and clinical systems using Trust Integration Engines (TIEs).
Key features include:
Consultancy - analysis and scoping of integration requirements.
Implementation support.